1. We will ask you for your name, address, email address and telephone number.
2. We require this information to process your order and to keep you informed about productions, promotions and events – and in order that you may wish to support us financially.
3. You can unsubscribe immediately in receipt of our first newsletter.
4. We will update the information which you have given to us if it becomes out of date.
5. The data provided will be automatically deleted if it becomes out of date or is no longer required for the purpose for which it was originally gathered and stored.
6. You can at any time access your data by making a request by email and we will deal with that request within three weeks.
7. You can ask at any time by email for your data to be deleted or forgotten and your request will be complied with and we will confirm compliance by an email response.
8. We confirm that we will not use your data for any profiling, automatic or otherwise, and neither will we share your data with any other individuals or organisations.
9. We store your data in a password protected system which is accessed only by authorised officers of the company. This information is accessed only for the purposes and aims set out in the second paragraph above and is not shared nor forwarded to any other party. In the event of accidental loss or this data falling into the hands of an unauthorised third party we will report such event to you and the data supervising authority within 72 hours as required by the Regulation.
10. In order to gather and store data from you, you must understand and consent to the above.
​​By ticking on any ‘Book now’ button you are agreeing to the above bases for collecting your data and our Terms & Conditions.